Queer spaces in the alternative music scenes of the 70's-90's

'70s punk
The origin of punk is queer.

Commentary on the existence of “queerness” (in the way of being different than the societal norm) led to the existence of punk culture.Punk is about rejecting the dominant paradigm, and creating a community around embracing differences.Refusing to conform to gender stereotypes, using music as a way to express (often queer) messages, and rejecting the societal norm are all ways punk was inherently queer.
Ervin, (2019), (Nault, 2013)

Homocore punk

The homocore movement was a split from mainline punk due to the increased violence, discrimination, and homophobia at the end of the '70s.Queer Punks found new welcoming
spaces for homocore in queer venues. They also created their own spaces through 'zines, media creation, and meetings for the homocore community.
They needed a safe place to be able to express themselves, so they made one.
(Ervin, 2019), (Leyser, 2017)

J.D.s 'Zine

J.D.s was a 'zine created by Bruce LaBruce and GB Jones in Toronto in response to the increasingly unwelcoming punk community.It was used to create a space for queer punks different to mainline punk and the current lesbian/gay community.They coined the term homocore (a play on hardcore) to define the subculture and community.
(Nault, 2013), (Leyser, 2017)

Homocore 'Zine

A 'zine created by Deke Nihilson and Tom Jennings out of San Francisco, inspired by the J.D.s 'zine, in response to the lack of available community for homocore in the area and in a hope to create a community like the one in Toronto.The 'zine was focused on creating a community, establishing spaces, communicating with each other, and demanding rights.
(Leyser, 2017), (Fenster, 1993)

Redefining Queer

As younger individuals entered the homocore scene, the term queer was redefined and reclaimed from derogatory into a community for those who chose not to conform. This increased the visibility and inclusion of more specific groups such as bisexuals, transgender individuals, and those who are gender non-conforming.Creating a new definition also separated themselves from the older gay/lesbians and created a difference between the social reformation goals of both groups.
(Chapman & Plessis, 1997)

Queercore Movement

Homocore was rebranded in the '90s to queercore to better fit the current participants and their new, queer goals. It separated queer punks as their own group under both the punk and queer umbrellas.Queercore focused on the gender-nonconforming and non-heterosexual individuals participating in the punk scene, and creating a safe space for them within mainline punk.
(Chapman & Plessis, 1997)

Riot Grrrl Movement

The Riot Grrrl Movement started as a revolt against the toxic masculinity and male appropriation of mainline punk.It was a creation of feminist space within the punk scene, based on empowering women and reclaiming the word "girl" from something weak into something with power.Due to similar goals and members, there was a significant amount of overlap between Queercore and Riot Grrrl.
(Dunn, 2014), (Nault, 2013)

Additional Resources

Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution (2017) – Documentary on YouTubeQueer as Punk: Queercore and the Production of an Anti-Normative Media Subculture by Curran J. Nault – Dissertation
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